If you feel you have any talent, service, or support to offer So-Cons For Rudy, please contact us at and volunteer!
1. Read about Rudy's record on Also consider buying the books Leadership and Prince of the City.
2. Sign up with Team Rudy to keep up with the campaign.
3. Donate $10 (or more) to Rudy's campaign.
4. Tell three friends or family members about why you support Rudy for President.
5. If you have a blog or website, write about Rudy on it. If not, then find another political blog or website and comment on why you support Rudy there.
6. Call in to a local talk radio station to discuss your support for Rudy, or write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
7. Find out who your local Republican leaders are, and write or email them to urge them to support Rudy for President.
8. Hold a Rudy Rally (it doesn't have to be big) and get your friends involved. If there's a Republican presidential debate coming up, hold a debate-watching get together to cheer Rudy on.
So-Cons For Rudy wants to mobilize pro-Rudy social conservatives like yourself to help Rudy on the grassroots level. We urge you to get together and set up info tables/booths (or just bring pro-Rudy material) at local GOP meetings, get-togethers, or events to promote Rudy. Also, we urge you to hold Meetups, local Rudy Rallies, and any other pro-Rudy event you can think of. If you would like to do so, please contact us at with the time, date, location, and a brief description of the event, and we will post the info on our site!

(Be sure to contact the host(s) of the meeting/get-together/event beforehand, and/or the owner(s) of the location, to make sure it's O.K. to set up an info table and/or hand out pro-Rudy material)

All Rights Reserved, Social Conservatives for Rudy Giuliani '08 ( 2007.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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